You can always accomplish anything you want no matter what it is. One can always make anything happen as long as they put effort to what they want. Anything is able to be made if you are willing to work hard enough for it. Friends family and other might sometimes hold you back from making your personal legend happen. Always be patient because that is also part of one accomplishing a goal and making whatever you want happen. In the Alchemist Santiago had to give up his job being a Shepherd in order to
travel this great distance to the pyramids in Egypt. Many times sacrifices have to be made in order to get to your goal. Santiago had to sell and leave his sheep in order to work and get money to be able to go to the pyramids of Giza, while he does this he learns a lot thanks to the new people he has met. Good or bad he learns from them.
While trying to Accomplish your person legend you will have to go through alot, but what I think if something it really important and if its a great goal that really matters to you then you should try to accomplish it no matter what, if so then its always worth waiting and making sacrifices for.
" we made it" accomplishing your Person Legend
The bottom picture that says we can do it shows the pyramids and how close they are to accompishing there goal..Santiago seeing the pyramids and him thinking he finally did it and made it happen after everything.
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